As the coun­try grap­ples with the spiraling crime rate, the Trinidad and Tobago Gov­ern­ment has an op­por­tu­ni­ty to in­vest in an ad­vanced foren­sic sys­tem which can help po­lice solve crime in a time­ly and ef­fi­cient man­ner.

The mul­ti-mil­lion dol­lar Scan­ning Elec­tron Mi­cro­scope (SEM) and Nano- Analy­sis, one of the lat­est foren­sic sys­tems in the world, is in Trinidad and Tobago at In-Corr-Tech Limited, a lead­ing in­spec­tion and en­gi­neer­ing ser­vice firm.

According to the Trinidad Guardian, the sys­tem has been in the country since 2010, but the com­pa­ny has now in­vest­ed in a more ad­vanced mod­el which was on­ly launched in March.

With this sys­tem which costs be­tween US$200,000 and US$500,000, bal­lis­tics and gun­pow­der residue analy­sis, which some­times take years to do at the Foren­sic Sci­ence Cen­tre and re­sults in a de­lay in court mat­ters, could be done in about 20 min­utes.

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